The Goat & Her Kids
The Goat and Her Kids” is an 1875 short story, fable and fairy tale by Romanianauthor Ion Creangă. Figuratively illustrating for the notions of motherly love and childish disobedience, it recounts how a family of goats is saved from the Big Bad Wolf.
Dear Teacher: We’re looking forward to presenting Petrushka Show for your students.
This study guide has a synopsis of the show, information about the production, and some background on the Vancouver Puppet Theatre.
Please click here for a printable version of Petrushka Show Study Guide.
Kind Regards,
Viktor Barkar Artistic Director and founder of the
Vancouver Puppet Theatre
We will need 2 regular tables and 4 regular chairs.
The performing space must be 7 X 7 feet minimum with a place
for an audience in front.
The audience could be seated either on chairs or on the floor around
of the performing space.
Contact Name: Viktor Barkar
Email us 24/7:
Call: 778-330-4313
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