In 2015 we were asked to develop a show about the Community and a place of the individual in it. Thus “The Whimsy’s Quest for an Identity” was developed for the 2015 Collingwood Neighborhood Festival. The main theme of the show is a spirit of the community and collaboration. Appreciating one’s neighbors and appreciating our environment are main topics of the show. The show incorporates a short snippets of the history of British Columbia and Canada and touches lightly on the native culture of the region and its wild life.
Since the Festival was taking place outdoors the set for the show was developed specifically for the medium to large audiences. That been said the stage could be easily adjusted for a smaller venues. We used bright multicolored patterns to represent a multicultural and vibrant neighborhood. It is a family-oriented show that will be of an interest for children and adults alike.
Our main character is a little girl, who is working on the most challenging task – the task of growing up. She is frustrated in her search for her own Identity and her place in the community. So she decides to ask for help from her neighbors. And they do help indeed. The show has dancing, songs and even a bit of magic.
The message that we would like to share with our audience is this:
• Everyone has a need for appreciation and fulfillment.
• If we want to feel appreciated and fulfilled we need to be useful to others.
• We are different but have to work together to help each other to fulfill our dreams.
• And only by been yourself you can find your very own Identity.
We’re looking forward to presenting The Whimsy’s Quest For An Identity
for your students.
This study guide has a synopsis of the show, information about the production,
and some background on the Vancouver Puppet Theatre.
Click here for a printable version of The Whimsy’s Quest For An Identity Study Guide.
We will need 2 regular tables and 4 regular chairs.
The performing space must be 7 X 7 feet minimum with a place
for an audience in front.
The audience could be seated either on chairs or on the floor around
of the performing space.
Contact Name: Viktor Barkar
Email us 24/7: info@vancouverpuppet.com
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