
Kolobok is the main character of an East Slavic national fairy tale with the same name, represented as a small yellow spherical being.

The fairy tale is prevalent in Slavic regions in a number of variations. A similar fairy tale with a pancake rolling off has also been recorded in German and Nordic regions. The plot is similar to The Gingerbread Man in English tradition.

Dear Teacher: We’re looking forward to presenting Petrushka Show for your students.

This study guide has a synopsis of the show, information about the production, and some background on the Vancouver Puppet Theatre.

Please click here for a printable version of Petrushka Show Study Guide.

Kind Regards,

Viktor Barkar Artistic Director and founder of the

Vancouver Puppet Theatre

We will need 2 regular tables and 4 regular chairs.

The performing space must be 7 X 7 feet minimum with a place
for an audience in front.

The audience could be seated either on chairs or on the floor around
of the performing space.


Contact Name: Viktor Barkar

Email us 24/7: info@vancouverpuppet.com

Call: 778-330-4313

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